Contact Us
Cathedral Centre, 403 – 13th Street, Brandon, MB, R7B 0N9
Telephone: 204-727-2380 Fax: 1-844-725-7533
Bishop The Right Reverend Rachael Parker – ext. 106
Dean The Very Reverend Don Bernhardt – ext. 103
Executive Archdeacon The Venerable Cheryl Kukurudz – ext. 102
Executive Financial Officer Mr. Greig Scott – ext. 105
Administrative Archivist Ms. Teresa Levich – ext. 101
CLICK! to donate to the diocese or a parish
January 22, 2024
We are pleased to invite you to the consecration of the 8th Bishop of Brandon, The Venerable Rachael Parker (The Right Reverend Rachael Parker after consecration), to take place, God-willing and people consenting, on the Vigil of the Feast of St. Joseph of Nazareth. Celebrations will be at St. Matthew’s Cathedral in Brandon, Manitoba, beginning at 7 p.m.
Your prayers and presence are requested.
Austin, Christ Church
Bethany, St. John’s
Birtle, St. George’s
Binscarth, St. Matthew’s
Boissevain, St. Matthew’s
Brandon, St. George’s
Brandon, St. Mary’s
Brandon, St. Matthew’s Cathedral
Carberry, St. Agnes’
Cartwright, Christ Church
Chemawawin, Easterville, St. Alban’s
Churchill, St. Paul’s
Cormorant, St. Luke’s
Dauphin, St. Paul’s
Deloraine, St. Andrew’s
Elkhorn, St. Mark’s
Flin Flon, St. Peter & St. James’
Gilbert Plains, St. Matthew’s
Gladstone, All Saints
Glenboro, St. Stephen’s
Grand Rapids, St. James’
Grand Rapids, St. John’s
Grandview, Christ Church
Kelwood, St. John’s
Killarney, Holy Trinity
Lynn Lake, St. Simon’s
MacGregor, St. Paul’s
McCreary, St. Michael & All Angels
Melita, Christ Church
Miniota, Holy Trinity
Minnedosa, St. Mark’s
Mosakahiken, Moose Lake, St. John’s
Neepawa, St. James’
Opaskwayak, The Pas, Church of the Messiah
Opaskwayak, The Pas, Church of the Redeemer
Reston, St. John’s
Rivers, St. James’
Roblin, Christ Church
Russell, Christ Church
Sapotaweyak, Shoal River, St. Andrew’s
Shoal Lake, St. Paul’s
Snow Lake Anglican/United Church
Sioux Valley, St. Luke’s
Solsgirth, Sts. James and Stephen’s
Souris, St. Luke’s
Swan River, St. James’
The Pas, Christ Church
Thompson, St. James’
Wabowden, St. Andrew’s
Wawanesa, St. Paul’s
Virden, St. Mary’s