Clergy List
Austin, Christ Church
Bethany, St. John’s
Birtle, St. George’s
Binscarth, St. Matthew’s
Boissevain, St. Matthew’s
Brandon, St. George’s
Brandon, St. Mary’s
Brandon, St. Matthew’s Cathedral
Carberry, St. Agnes’
Cartwright, Christ Church
Chemawawin, Easterville, St. Alban’s
Churchill, St. Paul’s
Cormorant, St. Luke’s
Dauphin, St. Paul’s
Deloraine, St. Andrew’s
Elkhorn, St. Mark’s
Flin Flon, St. Peter & St. James’
Gilbert Plains, St. Matthew’s
Glenboro, St. Stephen’s
Grand Rapids, St. James’
Grand Rapids, St. John’s
Grandview, Christ Church
Kelwood, St. John’s
Killarney, Holy Trinity
Lynn Lake, St. Simon’s
MacGregor, St. Paul’s
McCreary, St. Michael & All Angels
Melita, Christ Church
Miniota, Holy Trinity
Minnedosa, St. Mark’s
Mosakahiken, Moose Lake, St. John’s
Neepawa, St. James’
Opaskwayak, The Pas, Church of the Messiah
Opaskwayak, The Pas, Church of the Redeemer
Reston, St. John’s
Rivers, St. James’
Russell, Christ Church
Sapotaweyak, Shoal River, St. Andrew’s
Shoal Lake, St. Paul’s
Snow Lake Anglican/United Church
Sioux Valley, St. Luke’s
Solsgirth, Sts. James and Stephen’s
Souris, St. Luke’s
Swan River, St. James’
The Pas, Christ Church
Thompson, St. James’
Wabowden, St. Andrew’s
Wawanesa, St. Paul’s
Virden, St. Mary’s